The Optimism Show
Onchain Subscriptions Success Stories
Kris Gligoroski
Jonny Mack
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About the episode

Jonny Mack is the Founder of Hypersub, a membership platform that helps creators and communities monetize and build together using programmable crypto assets. Hypersub gives you access to your own payment solution, so you can effectively build your community and never get banned.

In this episode we cover:
(00:09) How to describe Hypersub and its unique offerings
(00:23) The concept of minting time on-chain and its implications
(02:45) Use cases and success stories from creators on Hypersub
(06:16) Strategies for creators to grow their subscription base
(07:08) The importance of value, consistency, and community in subscriber retention

Connect with Jonny:
Farcaster: https://warpcast.com/nonlinear.eth
Website: https://www.hypersub.xyz/

Connect with Kris:
Farcaster: https://warpcast.com/thekris
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/thekrispartner

For sponsorships and collaboration: pod@optimism.show

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