Favorite Pods
8 editions
2 editions
1 editions
Published 2024-04-02
52184 Collected
HostAdam Levy
GuestAlex Masmej
13 Collected
HostAndy and Robbie
GuestYishay from Dymension
18 Collected
HostAndy and Robbie
GuestRaaSputin founder of Gelato
57 Collected
HostAndy and Robbie
GuestRushi from Movement
451 Collected
HostAndy and Robbie
GuestTarun Chitra from Gauntlet
Published 2024-03-18
189 Collected
HostDiana Chen
GuestIrene WuFoobarMunam Wasi
18 Collected
HostAndy and Robbie
GuestFelipe Argento from Cartesi
24 Collected
HostAndy and Robbie
GuestAnurag Arjun founder of Avail
38 Collected
HostAndy and Robbie
GuestNoah Pravecek founder of NodeKit
40 Collected
HostAndy and Robbie
GuestKarel from Union