Favorite Pods
6 editions
2 editions
1 editions
Published 2024-10-28
5664 Collected
HostAndy and Robbie
GuestTarun Chitra
Published 2024-10-15
10167 Collected
HostRobbie klages
GuestLiam Zhang
4788 Collected
HostAdam Levy
GuestJulian HolguinJesse Pollak
3519 Collected
HostAdam Levy
GuestDan Romero
Published 2024-06-13
1726 Collected
HostFrank Chaparro
GuestStani Kulechov
15 Collected
HostAndy and Robbie
GuestGabriel Coutinho of Cartesi
384 Collected
HostAndy and Robbie
GuestSunny Aggarwal co-founder of Osmosis
10 Collected
HostAndy and Robbie
GuestNick Dodson from Fuel
14 Collected
HostAndy and Robbie
GuestJohn Adler from Celestia