Player-Driven Building in Dark Forest
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About the episode

In this episode, we sit down with @byeddy_eth, a developer from @DFArchon. Archon has been one of the many guilds deeply involved in playing and building on top of Dark Forest. DDY shares insights into the development of Dark Forest Ares, a forked version of the original game, and discusses the evolution of the game. We delve into the concept of "Composable games-as-a-service" as coined by @cherryblue1024 and the future of Dark Forest. Tune in to learn about how players are shaping its future of Dark Forest!

Website: dfarchon.xyz
Dark Forest: https://zkga.me/
X: @DFArchon
Telegram: @fromddy
Email: dfarchon@gmail.com
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/XpBPEnsvgX

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