Crypto Social Super Apps & Full Stack Brands with Hunter Isaacson & Ryan McMahill
Jess Sloss
Josh Cornelius
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About the episode

1:15 - Welcome to Internet Explorers
3:15 - Montauk and upcoming September plans
4:15 - Hunter Isaacson
5:25 - Memecoins & the Crypto Social Super App
7:30 - Growth Loops
8:40 - Bags OG Membership
12:10 - How do you productize an experience without getting in the way of natural magic?
15:00 - Is there any limit to the types of tokens in the Bags app?
17:30 - Bringing the trenches with you
18:45 - Test Flight Club & Bags beta app
22:45 - Ryan Mcmahill
24:33 - Everybody & their mother has a skincare brand
27:00 - Social is the Winner
31:00 - The future of Slow Rodeo and community engagement
34:30 - Tokens & Experience
38:31 - Tennis watch parties and Oncourt Hardware
39:31 - Thoughts on the evolution of direct-to-consumer brands and networks
42:22 - Challenges in consumer crypto and market expectations
47:36 - Differences in building consumer apps versus infrastructure
51:15 - The importance of iteration and market traction
53:40 - Soundmap: Pokemon Go for music fans: New app discussion
58:15 - Onchain activity & the Narrative Violation

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