Leading majestic zora horses to the purple water cooler
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About the episode

On this week's episode of MARS (uploaded 5 days late ><), Matthew & Rizzle kick the show off by diving deep into the new Zora Coin update. Matthew delivers a critical review from a digital art perspective focusing on Zora founder Jacob's re-mint of his majestic horse, which was originally released as an NFT on Zora last year. Check out Matthew's cast here: https://warpcast.com/niftytime.eth/0xaf6a6fd2 for more details and Jacob's majestic horse coin here: https://zora.co/coin/base:0xf1fc9580784335b2613c1392a530c1aa2a69ba3d?referrer=0x3a5df03dd1a001d7055284c2c2c147cbbc78d142.

After that, Matthew and Rizzle talk about the explosion of engaging frames on the purple app, Warpcast, shouting out Yo! and Farcade frames, amongst others, and their effects on making the WC app more engaging.

Before wrapping things up Matthew talks a bit about the divide he's noticed between users who onboarded into crypto on L2s like Base vs folks with more experience on Ethereum mainnet and what that may portend for the future of the crypto ecosystem.

Shout-outs & Shots-fired:

@zora @js_horne @ripe0x @warpcast_ @cryptovoxels @steveklbnf @BronxZoo @farcaster_xyz @0xsplits @ez_cbd @dragonateyt @farcade_ai @thephilo_sopher @MarchMadnessMBB @metamask @djlethalskillz @metabrookhawk @cburniske @base @cryptopunksnfts @solana @ethereum @luchopoletti @CatOrRaccoon @I____felix____I @dankvr @buildtree_io @belloneleandro @dragonatesmom @paradoxx_arts

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